Poems/quotes that touch your soul and ring the bell of your heart. And it will motivate you to love and teach you the real meaning of love.


7 Mar 2016

Love Cute Quotes for her for my cutest love

cute quotes for her
Every man has cuteness inside him which could not show from outside. Love cuteness is the loving, caring and enjoyable reactions for his love. Now think of yourself?? What you have done for your love which you think is the cutest way to express your love??? Do you show your love to your lover through cute quotes for her?? I hope you find you one, every man has his way to show love with cuteness.

 “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.”  Aristotle

In love, every man want to call his love from a unique name, nickname which really increase love between them. Aristotle shared his experience of love and it defines it in simple and short words. Cuteness of a man led him to call his lover with an extraordinary name just like Romeo and Juliet. Love revolve around cuteness which may be said in the form of quotation as well by recalling her with beautiful thing of world. Love is an art, it have many branches which all lead to feelings of joy, happiness etc. as ups and down are the part of life so love is life and it basically lies in it, which have the significant aspect of life. A man who felt in love want to go to place where the there is no one expect his love and he can enjoy it by expressing his love to her in different cute manners which increase love between them and make them happy.

Relationship of love is with heart and connected from soul to soul. Relation of love has a significant effect on both the persons who were involved in love with each other. They both consider that their life is nothing without each other, and it is true. In your opinion, is it true??? Of course, it is because there is no feeling and no relation to any other individual except his lover. A link is related to Rose, and it have the high reputation in the life of love or art of love. As far relation goes it have many directions on which love exist, and it goes. We want to love our lover in an extraordinary, cutest, unique and superb way to realize his stage of love.

“Don't try to be what you're not. If you're nervous, be nervous. If you're shy, be shy. It's cute.” Adriana Lima

Love revolve in the blood of lovers, and they can do anything even they can die for each other. Every lover meditates he can do everything for their love and what about you?? What you have done for your lover in your past or what will you do with your partner in your future which is so unique and made famous name in the history of love?? Maybe, you will be Romeo and Juliet of recent century. And this is what that the above quote explain, the standard reaction, the natural love which has depth in and can’t express outside of the body. The time came when he felt an incredible feeling and thinks to give everything of a world to lover and make a journey to the moon, give her some special words, want to hug her, kiss her and express your feeling that how much you love her.

Love is full of flowers that have showers of blessing in it which covers both of them in the sheet of love that can’t destroy. A sheet which is hidden and safe and full of happiness, cheerfulness play an important key role in love, and it depends upon both of lover. Valentine day is the one of the cutest ways to express your feeling by wearing red shirt, by giving red flower or by giving gift to your lover which is packed with the red paper. As red color is the ratification or identification of love and you have seen it all before you on Valentine day. This day is so special for every couple who love each other and it bring up a lot of happiness to them. Entirely, love is the signal of peace and harmony which distributes all over the world and amazing expression that is different from all other feelings of human life. 


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